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Wednesday 21 September 2016

Top 6 Reasons Why You Sould Root Your Android Device.

Today Android is the most widely used Operating system used in the world. Now wonder why? Well , In short, Android is the most open, versatile and customizable mobile OS out there. Many of you wouldn't want to root your device but here are 10 reasons why rooting your phone will be worth the hassle.

6.Unlock Hidden Features and Install "Incompatible Apps"

As mentioned at the start of this article, Android is an open and versatile OS but sometimes even Android is not "that" open. You may not be able to install certain apps because they require root or you may not be able to download some apps as they are carrier locked.  Therefore by rooting you can install carrier blocked apps, get features from the latest version of android, make incompatible apps compatible, power up your hardware and get features like viperFX audio and Beats audio. You can pretty much do anything by rooting your phone and a lot of new things can be thus tried on a phone that originally did not support them.

5.Automate Everything

If you're an avid Android user, You have heard about the app "Tasker" , the awesome app that automates just about anything on your phone. You don't need to root your phone to use it, but if you have root access, you can do a lot more and take full advantage of it. You can automate tasks like turning your data on , changing CPU speed , turning the screen on and a lot more.

4.Boost Your Phone's Speed and Battery Life

You can do a lot of things to speed up your phone and save battery life, but those are more conventional ways like using your phone less and clearing up your RAM. By rooting your phone you can do so much more. You can literally change the default CPU clock speed and turn it up a notch. This will most definitely have a speedy effect on your phone. Then to save battery life you can use apps like Greenify to automatically hibernate apps your aren't using. This is perfect for those apps that are running in the background constantly to access data.

3.Block Ads in any App

If Ads bother you , you can just easily turn them off by going into air plane mode and turning it on. However if you do that then you cant access the Internet in addition to blocking unwanted ads. Thus , rooting is the perfect solution for such a problem. There are several apps like Adblock Plus and Adfree that stop ads from showing anywhere in the phone when enabled but , you guessed it, they require ROOT ACCESS.  Therefore rooting your phone can be very beneficial to you if you want to get rid of unwanted sh*t.

2.Remove Preinstalled Crapware 

So as many of you know, every android phone , except for Nexus devices, come with bloatware pre installed. Whether it from the manufacture itself or a carrier, bloatware is present. Now you cant do anything about it as you cant uninstall a pre loaded app. However this statement is only true of you don't have a rooted phone. Root access enables you to easily uninstall those crappy apps that just take up all your valuable storage space and space in your app drawer. There are several apps in the playtore that can be used to uninstall bloatware once you have a rooted phone.

1. Flash a Custom ROM

Many people buy nexus devices just because they have stock android on it. What if i told you that you could install stock android on any android phone you wanted? Its true. Rooting your phone means that you can access your system files and even customize them. Thus giving you the ability to install a custom recovery which in turn means that you can install a custom ROM. If you are bored of the default ROM that came with your phone and if you are fed up of looking at that hideous skin on top of android that your manufacturer put on the phone , Then Root away. Rooting is basically your best option to get what you want out of your phone.

You dont need to compromise on anything as you can pretty much get the perfect phone by rooting. You can get all the latest features of the latest flagship of your manufacturer without even having to upgrade to that latest flagship. Thus i conclude with this, A rooted phone is your best friend. However note, root at your own risk and play with your phone as much as you want but AT YOUR OWN RISK. Rooting can essentially brick your device but that should not stop anyone from doing it as currently, there are so many popular root methods that there is a very slim chance of you bricking your phone.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

A Major Drawback for iPhone 7 Users Who Live in Colder Climates.

Apple's long awaited iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus landed in stores this last Friday and everyone is going crazy over the new duo. They bring lots of new features and customisation but the one thing they lack is the 3.5mm headphone port. Perhaps this was the biggest downfall of the iPhone 7 although many Apple fans argue that this is for the best and we need to move forward in terms of headphone technology.

Apart from not having a headphone jack, The iPhone 7 has one other major drawback for people that live in colder climates. The new iPhones feature a touch sensitive home button now instead of a clickable button like in the previous generations. 

Apple did this to make the phones water resistant , because this could only be achieved if they removed the tiny gap between the button and the glass front panel, that would have allows water to go in. However , even though the new home button effectively recreates the sensation of pressing a physical button , thanks to Apple taptic feedback engine, it does not work exactly the same way. 

The new home button is capacitive, meaning it can only be pressed when a conductive object such as our finger , is used to press it. This means if you're wearing thick winter gloves the new home button wont respond to your touch.

This issue was first brought in by a British Twitter user named Myke Hurley.

Some were very quick to point out that the iPhone 7 was designed it California where Gloves are very rarely worn anyways , due to the warm climate, however this does not mean that the iPhone isn't going to be used in other parts of the world.

There is a fix for this though. Apple introduced a new feature in iOS 10 called "Raise to Wake" which wakes up you screen when you pick your iPhone up. Doing much more than this would require you to take your gloves off anyways as the screen on the iPhone is also capacitive. 

Gloves with conductive fingertips are also becoming popular but there are mixed reports on whether these would work with the iPhone 7's home button , but if you're desperate , they're certianly worth a shot. 

Wordpress vs Blogger. Which one is the right one for You?

Many people on the Internet today who aspire to start their own blog or website often ask this question. The main doubt they have is why should they use Wordpress when they can use those free blogger services. Therefore in this article we'll explain all the pros and cons of both the platforms and then , you can choose your platform judging by which one meets your needs and demands more than the other.


Blogger is basically a free and reliable service provided by Google through which you can start your very first blog and it is quite capable to publish most of your content online. However it is not owned by you. Google runs this service and has the right to shut it down , or shut down your access to it anytime. 

However with wordpress , its a totally different story. You use a Wordpress hosting provider to host your own website. You can therefore manage your website as you like and you are free to decide how long you want to run the website and when you want to shut it down. All data on the website is owned by you and no one else and you control the information you share with any third party.

See: How to start a Blog on Wordpress 


2. Control

Even though Blogger is a great tool to have and manage your blog in, it can have many limitations as to what you can actually do with your website. The things you can do on your site are therefore very limited , and the worst part is that there's no way you can extend them to meet your needs. 

Since wordpress is an open source software , you can easily extend many features through the thousands and thousands of wordpress plugins that are available online. These essentially allow you to modify and extend the default feature set such as adding a store to your website or creating a portfolio etc.

When comparing wordpress with blogger for business owners then the latter wins hands down in the long term. Blogger can be good for personal use as it can be some what easy to manage as compared to wordpress where you may need to know some HTML in order to fully take advantage of it.  


Blogger by default only provides a handful of templates that you cannot customise further except for some colour changes here and there. These templates are pretty generic looking and have no flair in them. There are some non official blogger templates as well but those are usually pretty low quality as well.

However moving on to Wordpress there are thousands of Free and paid Themes which offer much more customisation and control over you website. There is a wordpress theme for just about any type of website there is. No matter what your site is about, you'll easily be able to find out a theme that matches your site niche.


Switching from blogger to a different platform or even moving from your current blogger powered blog to another blogger powered blog can be very difficult. During the move you can easily loose your SEO rankings and your followers. Even though blogger allows you to export your content , Google will have your data on their servers for a very long time

Using Wordpress however is a bit more easy. You can move your site anywhere you want. You can move your wordpress to any new host , change domain name, or even move your site to other content managing platforms. 

Also if you compare Wordpress vs Blogger SEO, Wordpress offers a lot more SEO advantages. 

5. Security

While using Blogger services , you don't need to worry about the security of your servers or securing your blog as that is managed by Google's robust security management system automatically.

Wordpress is also quite secure but since it is a self hosted service , you are responsible for your security and your backups. However this can be made easy with those Wordpress Plugins , previously mentioned in the article.


There are limited support websites for blogger and they have very basic documentation and a users forum . In term of support your options are very limited. 

Wordpress has a very active community support system. There are online forums, proper documentation and IRC chat rooms. Apart from Internet support there are plenty of premium companies offering support for Wordpress. Also there are many guides on the Internet that guide you through the process of starting your wordpress powered website.

Thats all folks! Hope the article helped anyone in need. Also if you're wondering how to start your wordpress blog, check out this awesome guide to start you off to an awesome journey! Be sure to share if you liked the Article!


Having Battery Trouble with iOS 10? Check out these 7 tips for longer battery life.

Have you installed iOS 10 yet on your iPhone? Are you experiencing battery issues with your iPhone now that you have updated to iOS 10? well you shouldn't be, but if you are , then you landed on the right place! Here we have 7 tips for you to make your battery last longer.

 1.Use less

iOS 10 brings more features now and more people are taking advantage of these features by using their phones more. SO, by using more , You are essentially draining your battery at a faster rate. Here's a Pro tip. Use less or at least use as much as needed. Don't misuse your phone. This might seem very stupid at first but be sure to try if out. It really works!

2.Plug it in overnight

Now this might also seem as odd to you as many of you may have a charging schedule, but what if i told you that charging your phone overnight actually helps the battery more than you think. May people believe that charging a battery overnight will cause the battery to die out faster in the long run, However that is completely false. The fact here is that the lithium technology that is found in batteries of this generation actually benefit from overnight charging/charging for a longer period of time. SO be sure to let your phone charge and in the mean time do something productive or use another device if you really desperately need to do something.


A common and simple trick that might help you is to restart your iPhone or iPod running iOS 10. You can do the typical restart by turning off the device completely and then turning it back on again.

4.Follow the battery life advice in settings

This is a new feature which recently arrived in iOS 10. The device itself can monitor your activities and then give you suggestions on how to prolong your battery life by doing certain tasks. For example, turning down your brightness.
  • Go to settings > Battery > look for "Battery life suggestions"

5.Disable Background App refresh

This is essentially a really nice feature but in practice it tends to eat up your battery by allowing apps to do more activity in the background , Thus using more processor power.  However many users may worry at first about the performance of their phones to reduce, but don't worry, you wont even notice the difference.

  • Open Settings and go to general then choose "Background App Refresh" and turn the switch off.

6.Use Reduce Motion

Reducing the amounts of visual effects in iOS may offer a minor improvement in battery life .
  • Go to Settings > Accessibility > Reduce Motion > ON
Note, by doing this the effects in iMessage will not work So only do this if you don't care about all those fancy animations and effects.

7.Disable Location Services You Don't need or use

 Location services and GPS can really eat up your battery as they are constantly running in the background and many apps use this quite regularly to check your current location. To disable this go to 
  • Settings > Privacy > Location Services
  • Adjust usage according to your usage.
This is a universally good advice for prolonging battery life on any phone and not just iOS 10.

So? DO you feel these tips will help you now prolong your battery life? test it out and let us know!

Monday 19 September 2016

Why You Should Learn Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most famous and all-round image editing software existing in the market today. While professionals in the designing and editing domain rely on it, Photoshop serves out to be quite helpful for others as well. It can turn normal pictures into masterpieces. Most of the software adhere to the features of Photoshop, which makes it quite convenient to work with multiple software.

One great fact about Photoshop is that it is very user friendly. It provides all the tools which can help in editing and improving pictures. To the professional designers and artists, Photoshop is more than just software. It is a way to express themselves through images.

Here are some major reasons why you should learn Photoshop:
  • Professional Importance
Photoshop is largely used in web designing and high quality marketing. This includes designing content for social media marketing, creating animations for banner ads and developing unique designs for blogs.
Photoshop skills are often listed in a lot of job descriptions these days. Learning Photoshop gives you an added advantage over other competing applicants who are not skilled in Photoshop.

  • Expressing Creativity
Using Photoshop one can transform pictures to unimaginable heights of creativity. Photoshop could also be used to depict age progression. This application might need a bit of a talent to explore but it surely interests a lot of people.You can turn colored pictures into black & white at a single click. You could even edit specific parts by changing the color or adding visual effects through innovative tools. You can do wonders with Photoshop even if think that you can’t draw a straight line on a piece paper.

  • Correcting Photography Mistakes
If you’re a photographer, you can cover up the mistakes you made while clicking pictures. You can adjust all the exposure settings, crop a picture and even replace the parts which you don’t like.
  • Restore Old Images
You can restore the old family pictures and bring them to life using a vast set of patch tools and other.  If you’re a professional editor, you can please your clients if you know how to exploit the brilliant features of Photoshop.
  • Make and Save Money
If you know the Photoshop, you can make money by creating business cards, marketing posters and even by designing parts of a website.
You can also save money by Knowledge of Photoshop. Say if you have a website and you want to update the website’s blog with new innovative designs. Now you don’t have to hire and pay a graphic designer if you yourself are well aware of how to use Photoshop.
  • Endless Features to Explore
The possibilities with Photoshop are limitless. You can transform pictures into master pieces; edit images of all kinds and design websites and blogs by using the innovative Features of Photoshop.


There are thousands of professionals who use Photoshop every day to either earn for a living or express their creativity. You need to be an expert in technology to learn this brilliant software. Anyone with the basic knowledge of computers can learn Photoshop and play with pictures.
If you wish to learn Photoshop, you can Click here to look at this excellent course
Please leave your questions and feedback in the comments below

10 Benefits of Having Your Own Website.

1. Searchability

Nowadays, prospective employers and recruitment agency take advantages of the internet to do the initial search for job applicants’ information. They want to know more about the applicants, their skills, passion and life. Having a great website will greatly increase the chance of being selected for an in-depth interview.
While searching for your name on search engines, your website appears on the top of the search result page. Getting to the number 1 or first page position speaks volume of your web skills (e.g. SEO, content strategy, etc.) and your knowledge about online reputation management, both are highly sought after skills for most employees in the 21st century.

2. Let Jobs Find You

In an era where the Web rules, recruitment agency and head-hunters now search through LinkedIn or Google for suitable candidates. Having your own website is like posting your resume everywhere. It is not surprising to have several agency recruiters to approach you for new job opportunities each week. Many of these great opportunities are not found in traditional media like newspaper or recruitment magazines. If you would like to work in a web start-up, do establish yourself online!

3. Learn a New Trade by Doing

There is two ways to learn a new skills, you can either
  • read books / seek guidance first before doing; OR
  • get your head wet by doing first and read books / seek guidance upon encountering difficulties
In the context of building a website, the later is the most effective way to learn the trade. Many web developers might be an expert in only a language / an area of web development as they concentrate their efforts in that area only. However when building your own website, you need to understand every aspects involved, from domain registration, hosting, web design, front-end coding, back-end coding, usability, search engine optimization, conversion optimization, you name it. The only way you can learn to set up a successful website is to create your own website from scratch.

4. Show Your Passion with Your Blog Topics

Passion and knowledge are two pillars for you to succeed in your career. It is also the traits most sought after by employers. Your website provides the best platform for you to show would-be employers the topics that interest you. You can create your true brand through the topics you chose, the style of writing, the design and usability of the website. Though free hosted blogging platforms like and also provide you the same channel for free, your personalization options and control are often much limited. Your website and blog should show the best of you!

5. Show Your Web Knowledge

Soon the date will come when not having web knowledge equals illiteracy. This century sees the growth of many digital natives. But there is a fine line between using the Web and understanding the Web. One has to get their hands dirty in order to know the intricacy of Website design and development. Many small and medium enterprises nowadays still lack the knowledge to build a great usable website and the skills to rank well on search engines. By having a professional personal website, you will stand out from the crowd of competing job applicants.

6. Your Online Presence

As long as you allow search engines to index them, whatever you put up on the internet can be and will be seen by others. This allows you and your website to reach people you would otherwise not meet.
After Google introduced Google Authorship and with subsequent optimization, only “authoritative” authors (authors with lots of popular posts in a specific topic) will have their photos shown up in the search snippets. Showing your author profile in Google gives your the credibility that you are an expert in the specific field.

7. Your Digital Resume

Many predict that the printed resume will be soon regarded as old fashioned and digital resume is the future. It is true that there are tons of online profiles like Twitter, Google+, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. you can create to assert your online presence. However, every one of them has their limitations on the format, amount of data, design, etc. Every profile may look similar too which makes it very difficult to stand out from the crowd.
Have you noticed that nearly every one of them would allow you to add your own URL to the online profile? Building your own website circumvents the limitation. You can literally have it your way!

8. Your Digital Assets

Everything you write create values and they are here to stay (as long as you keep the website). You can also treat your website as a knowledge base that stores the knowledge you have acquired through the ages. What you have built belongs to you!
One thing you might not know: your knowledge set is also of value to others! For example, if you have written a lot of valuable posts on your website and these articles rank well in search engines, chances are that you can earn handsomely through placing related advertisements in your website. (It is very difficult if not impossible to add advertisements to free blogging platforms.)

9. Manage Your Career as Entrepreneurs

Brands have values, big established brands carry great value. The most valuable brand in the world, Coca-cola, is valued at nearly $80,000 million. In fact, the concept of brand value also applies to individuals. The term “Careerpreneur” is used in the field of career to describe a professional who manages their career like an entrepreneur who always searches for the next big opportunity.
Today, job security is virtually non-existent. In economic turmoils, large scale lay-off is everywhere. Building your online personal branding with your own website is the ultimate value you can carry with you. By constantly looking for new opportunities like further studies, new collaboration, side projects, your personal brand will be further enhanced. And before you know it, your hard-earned brand value might land you a great opportunity!
This naturally brings the following benefit:

10. New Career Direction

Countless people have found their new career with making profitable websites, the most successful ones being Pat Flynn who earns five figure online income monthly. More than 35% of Gen-Y’ers have started their own businesses on the side while having a full-time job in order to supplement the income. Everyone will tell you that earning online is very fulfilling because you can help others by providing valuable information and assistance to them, in return, you earn your living through advertisements or affiliate.
You can begin your website as a side operation which involves only minimal risks as the cost is low (just the hosting and domain fee for starters) and you still have your full-time income. But once you become successful and the online income is enough to sustain your living, you can virtually quit your job.

Click Here! to Build Your Own Website Now

Search engines like Google place a lot of emphasis on the age of the website to assess whether the content is credible. It will take a while for the website you built to show up high in the search result pages but you will eventually ripe the fruit of your hard work. Learn how to Build your very own website  now!


Sunday 18 September 2016

IOS 10 vs Android Nougat : IOS gets better but Android still rules

In the last couple of years a sort of consensus has emerged among the tech savvy bloggers and the gadget writers: Google's Android is better than the Apple's iOS but the iPhone, as a device, is better than anything coming from tens of Android phone makers. That changes somewhat with the iOS 10, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system that is hitting iPhones and iPads. The iOS 10 is more flexible, more open, more versatile than what Apple has shipped so far. In fact, it is fairly close to Google's Android, which too has got an update in the form of version 7 aka Nougat.
We will take a better look at the iOS 10 in the coming days, but it sure looks like the version where Apple almost catches up to Android when it comes to the ease of use and versatility. Almost all areas of the iOS have been spruced up in the version 10 but the most significant and user-friendly updates are on the lock screen and in the way apps talk to each other.

Almost all areas of the iOS have been spruced up in the version 10 but the most significant and user-friendly updates are on the lock screen and in the way apps talk to each other.The lock screen in the iOS 10 is more dynamic. Android has always enjoyed a lead over Apple when it comes to the way operating systems handle notifications. But a few years ago, Apple introduced a notification system in the iOS that was similar to the one used in Android. Subsequently then the company fine-tuned this and now in the iOS 10 is making it more dynamic by bringing features like "direct reply from lockscreen" to the iPhone. The end result is that it will not only help users deal with the notifications quickly but also help them do more. The notifications system has also been enhanced with the help of 3D touch, which on newer iPhones allows users to carry out certain shortcuts using long or short press.

iOS Opens Up

Although the iOS 10 is full of new features -- revamped music app, a more fun iMessage app with stickers, AI-powered Photos app etc -- the most significant probably is the more open ways in which apps can communicate and availability of Siri to third-party app developers. It shows that finally Apple is moving, albeit cautiously, away from its silo approach for apps. It is now allowing apps a bit more leeway in how they use the data on the phone. The opening of Siri is particularly noteworthy. The results of the move are going to extremely useful to consumers. For example, with Siri integrated with Uber, consumers will be able to tell the phone to book the cab by speaking a command. Similarly, with WhatsApp integrated with Siri, the iPhone users running iOS 10 on their phone will be able to dictate a message.  

Most of these are the improvements that are already either available or possible on the Android because by nature Android has always been more open and flexible operating system. And even with the iOS 10 in the market, the Android Nougat continues to be a better and more versatile operating system. The way data can be accessed in Nougat or the way a user can access almost any file worth accessing is tremendous. Although with the iOS 10, Apple gives more leeway to apps, they still as much flexibility as Android apps have and hence the whole experience still feels relatively rigid,, especially to power users. Features like double-tap to switch between last two open apps, multi window and intents (ability to chose which app you want to open to view an image) are incredibly useful and offer Android users ability to customise their workflow. 

This is still not possible in the iOS, even with the version 10. But at the same time, it is easy to see that for most users, for people who like simple and reliable workflow, the IOS is now much better compared to the software in the earlier iPhones.

Even as the iOS 10 is tweaked and improved in some key areas, it retains all that was good in the earlier versions. The animations are smooth and lag-free. The performs is good and the software seems well optimised for the devices on which it is running. At the same time, by the virtue of being a little less open compared to the Android, it also avoids some of the privacy and the security issues that Android faces. Is Android Nougat unsafe? Definitely not. But iOS sure gives a feeling that your data and is more private and safer in its compared to how it will be in an Android phone.
Overall, the choices that both iOS and Android make in terms of user experience and product features are different. Personally, I find Android Nougat just a touch more versatile and flexible.

It's a better operating system, particularly when you want to put the phone at the centre of your digital. But there is no doubt that the combination of the iPhone hardware and the iOS 10 too is a very potent combo and offers more than enough to satisfy almost every phone users. In some areas, Android is still better and the Nougat update is an evolutionary but wholly awesome upgrade to it. But if you prefer the iOS, with the version 10 you get an operating system that gives almost the same feature-rich experience that Android has, combined with the kind of polish that Apple's software always offered. 

Google's Pixel Xl Rumor roundup. What we know so far.

Google is ready to release the new pixel smartphones and people all over the globe are wondering what The Mountain View company will give us this yea. Everyone has really high hopes as the Nexus 6P set the bar pretty high. 

There have been plenty of rumors going around about the new pixel phones. Perhaps the most important rumor of them all was that Google will be re-branding the Nexus band with a new name . Although at first people did not believe this, several other reports then came out which supported this rumor, Thus solidifying the fact that Google is in fact going to be ending the Nexus program. 

According to the rumors , there will be two vanilla android devices released codenamed "Sailfish" and "Marlin". The bigger of the bunch being the Marlin with a 5.5 inch QHD screen. The smaller pixel is said to have a FHD 5 inch screen. 

As is the custom with Google, It will not build the devices itself but give this task to another OEM, and this year it will most likely be HTC. However another report stated that Huawei will also be creating a Google smartphone for 2016, so its still unclear which smartphone will be made by HTC  and which will be made by Huawei. 

The folks over at Android Authority report that the smaller pixel will feature a chasis of aluminium and glass. Both models will probably have a glass back , with an extra metal frame protecting the pixel XL.

Both the Pixel and the Pixel XL are allegedly packing the Snapdragon 820 processor, which is already deployed in a number of flagship smartphones. However some other sources state that the pixel phones may come equipped with the newer Snapdragon 821. Therefore nothing is confirmed until Google actually releases the pixel phones.

In terms of the cameras, the new pixel phones will come with a 12MP rear facing camera and an 8MP front facing camera. Both the models will also have 4GB of RAM and 32GB of base storage. The Pixel Xl is also said to carry a heavy 3,450 mAh battery. Andto those of you who are worried that Google will follow in Apple's footsteps, you can stop worrying as Google will most definitely include the 3.5mm headphone jack in their smartphones. 

There will be no more micro USB as Google adopted the new USB-C ports for charging and data transfer. This is nothing new as Google has this in last year's Nexus devices As well. In terms of software , The Pixel phones are said to come with Android Nougat 7.1, which is essentially a newer version from the one that was released a while back. 

All in all, the Pixel phones seem to be packing some solid hardware perfect for 2016. The phones are said to be released on October 4th and will be in the markets for purchase as early as October 20th .

So? are you exited about the new Google Phones? Let us know down in the comments section

Motorola's New Ad Campaign Hits Apple Where it Hurts.

Motorola's newest ad campaign in the U.S takes on the cult that would buy anything with the iconic fruit with a bite logo irrespective of the price band. If you haven't guessed by now, Motorola took on this years iteration of the iPhone or as the like to call it the "sevens".

The newly released iPhone 7 has been the center of discussion among many tech communities on the internet and even hardcore Apple fans state that Apple was not right in making the iPhone 7 without a headphone jack. This became the base at which Motorola could take on the Cupertino based company.

The Ad shows a group of Apple loyalists talking about the iPhone 7 which was "was not really much of a difference" and with "just a little better camera", before they are introduced to an allegedly new prototype. What the moderator of the group does not tell them is that the prototype is actually a Moto z and not an actual prototype of the iPhone 7.

The group was then taken through three different moto mods . A snap on battery , a speaker ad on and a projector. However it was only after impressing the Apple loyalists that the moderator reveals that the phone isn't a prototype but an actual flagship phone from Motorola.

Motorola also took the battle with Apple to its print ad campaign and titled the ad " Skip the sevens" where its asks the apple loyalists to ditch the iPhone 7

The ad copy reads " When the first generation iPhone came out , it changed everything. It was the rebel , the challenger. And it knocked us off our perch. But that was nine years ago"

Although a brilliant move by Motorola, it is also a bold move indeed. The timing couldn't have been better as Apple is struggling to keep its user base intact and has lost much of its fan base due to the controversial removal of the headphone jack.

This Motorola campaign is very much reminiscent of the campaigns produced by Apple in its early days when the young company took on the then PC market leader , IBM. However , Things have come a full circle for Apple which has been a dominant player in the smartphone segment for over a decade.


FAA Officially Bans Exploding Samsung Phones on Flights

The US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has issued new guidance against the recalled Samsung Galaxy Note 7 . The agency now officially considers the device to be unsafe to be turned o during flights. It shouldn't even be packed in the check in luggage.  Previously the FAA only advised you to turn off the Note on flight as it was dangerous. However now FAA has officially spoken out against Samsung and says that it considers the safety of the people as their top priority. The FAA had this to say in a statement:

"Following a consumer Product Safety Commission recall of the Galaxy Note 7 , The FAA is issuing general guidance to airlines about the rules for carrying recalled or defected lithium devices on board aircraft as cargo or in carry-on luggage"

It was also stated that passengers must not turn on or charge their devices when they carry them on board a plane and that passengers must also protect their devices from accidental activation, including disabling any features that may turn on the device such as alarm clocks.

The agency further stated that all staff of the airlines should be familiar with the new list of guidelines and it is imperative that they follow them. The FAA further added that airlines could also impose their own bans on carrying or using specific lithium battery products on board an aircraft if they deemed it necessary.

These measures come following the Global recall of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Several cases of the phone exploding were reported and a few people have also been injured because of this. So far Samsung has confirmed that there have been at least 35 incidents worldwide out of the 2.5 million galaxy Note 7's sold. 

4 major iPhone 7 features that started with Android.

Apple fans focked to apple stores to get their hands on the newly released iPhone 7 . This year;s iteration of the iPhone had some significant new features over the previous generation of iPhones. However there is no company out there that does not take "Inspiration" from other companies in the same market and Apple is definitely included in the list of companies. Here are some features that Apple adopted this year that had their beginnings on android

1. No 3.5mm Headphone Port

When rumors sprung up on the internet that the iPhone 7 duo would be ditching the 3.5mm headphone port, people went crazy over it. This was perhaps the most controversial features of the iPhone 7 and many people including Apple fans bashed Apple for it. However many did not realize that there was an android phone released not long ago that did the same thing but did not receive as much attention as Apple did with its iPhone 7. Motorola was the first mainstream company ever to remove the industry standard headphone jack from one of its phones , and that too from its 2016 flagship, the Moto z. 

other small companies (when compared to some of the other conglomerates) like Oppo also ditched the headphone jack back in October 2014 ,with its super thin Android phone, the Oppo R5. 

2. Stereo Speakers

The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus boast dual speakers , Although only one of the speaker's is front firing. What many of the Apple fans dont realize is that Android once again beat Apple to it , in regards to dual audio speaker technology. Htc was the first company in the android market to release a phone that had phenomenal dual "Front firing" speakers. The HTC One M7 was hte phone released by HTC changed the design language of the One Series of Smartphones.  After the HTC One M7 , the company released its successor the One M8, also with excellent dual front facing speakers and released the M9 the year after that with the same design language. This had become a signature look and HTC gave the speakers a name that they deserved. therefore they are referred to as the "Boom Sound Speakers"

3. Dual Rear Cameras

The first major smartphones to come with dual cameras were the LG optimus 3D in 2011 and the HTC Evo 3D which followed just a few months later. However these cameras were different from the cameras on the iPhone 7 as these used the cameras to capture 3D audio and video.

Then in 2014, HTC released the HTC One M8 with a main camera and a second sensor which accompanied the main camera. Although there was still only one main camera present the idea was the same. the second sensor was used for features like giving the photo more depth of field and you could even choose where you could blur the image. Then in 2016 , Lg released the Lg G5. This was the first real phone to have dual cameras for the purpose that they are used now. It had a normal camera and another camera that was a wide angled one. Also in April of 2016 ,Huawei released the P9 which also had dual cameras. This however worked a bit differently than the cameras on the G5. rather than switching between cameras, the P9 used both the cameras to take a single shot thus giving it more detail and depth of field. 

The cameras on the iPhone 7 Plus are very similar to the cameras found on the P9 and the only difference is that one of the cameras on the iPhone 7 Plus is a telephoto lens used to zoom in more. 

4. Water Resistance

Both the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are rated IP67 which essentially means that they are dust proof and water proof for 1 hour in a depth of 1 meter of water.  However this too was first adopted by Android devices. The first phone to have the IP67 rating was the Motorola defy all the back in 2010, a half a decade ago. Also Sony released their Z series of smartphones which had some sort of IP rating. More recently the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge came with the IP68 rating , a rating even above that of the iPhones. This means the Samsung flagship phones could withstand being submerged in under 1.5 meters of water for 30 minutes.

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