Sunday 18 September 2016

FAA Officially Bans Exploding Samsung Phones on Flights

The US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has issued new guidance against the recalled Samsung Galaxy Note 7 . The agency now officially considers the device to be unsafe to be turned o during flights. It shouldn't even be packed in the check in luggage.  Previously the FAA only advised you to turn off the Note on flight as it was dangerous. However now FAA has officially spoken out against Samsung and says that it considers the safety of the people as their top priority. The FAA had this to say in a statement:

"Following a consumer Product Safety Commission recall of the Galaxy Note 7 , The FAA is issuing general guidance to airlines about the rules for carrying recalled or defected lithium devices on board aircraft as cargo or in carry-on luggage"

It was also stated that passengers must not turn on or charge their devices when they carry them on board a plane and that passengers must also protect their devices from accidental activation, including disabling any features that may turn on the device such as alarm clocks.

The agency further stated that all staff of the airlines should be familiar with the new list of guidelines and it is imperative that they follow them. The FAA further added that airlines could also impose their own bans on carrying or using specific lithium battery products on board an aircraft if they deemed it necessary.

These measures come following the Global recall of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Several cases of the phone exploding were reported and a few people have also been injured because of this. So far Samsung has confirmed that there have been at least 35 incidents worldwide out of the 2.5 million galaxy Note 7's sold. 


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